Associazione di Promozione Sociale Sanvitese
San Vito di Cadore (BL), Via Pelmo 2
Codice Fiscale – 92010240254
Presidente – Annachiara Belli
tel. +39 339 5096 337
Inizia a suonare il violino all’ età di sei anni presso la scuola di musica di San vito di Cadore. Nel 2007 si iscrive al conservatorio di Klagenfurt (Carinzia, Austria) per studiare con il M° Saewon Suh. Si diploma con lode nel 2012.
Dopo il diploma torna in Italia dove inizia ad insegnare violino in diverse scuole. Accanto all’attività di insegnamento svolge quella di professore d’orchestra principalmente presso l’orchestra di Padova e del Veneto. Nel frattempo si iscrive alla facoltà di Scienze del linguaggio presso l’università Ca’Foscari di Venezia, laureandosi con 110 nel 2019.
Parallelamente al repertorio classico approfondisce quello della musica tradizionale, in particolare irlandese e delle vallate dolomitiche.
Dal 2016 è direttrice della scuola di musica di San Vito e organizzatrice di Sanvitomasterclass, un corso internazionale di alto perfezionamento musicale che si tiene ogni estate a San Vito di Cadore.
She starts to play the violin at the age of six in the music school in San Vito di Cadore. From 2007 She studies with Prof. Saewon Suh at Klagenfurt Conservatory (Carinthia), where she graduates in 2012.
She teaches violin in different music schools and plays with OPV Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto.
In 2019 graduates at Ca’Foscari University of foreign Languages.
Together with classical music she studies and plays folk music, especially Irish and music from the Dolomites.
From 2016 she is the director of San Vito Music School and organizes Sanvitomasterclass, an international masterclass for classical music that takes place every Summer in San Vito di Cadore.
Mit 6 Jahren fängt sie an Violine zu spielen bei der Musik Schule in San Vito di Cadore. Von 2007 bis 2012 studiert sie am Kärnten Landes Konservatorium in Klagenfurt bei Prof. Saewon Suh.
Zwischen 2014 und 2019 unterrichtet sie in verschiedenen Schulen , spielt sie mit OPV Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto und studiert sie Sprachen an der Ca’Foscari Universität in Venedig.
Zusammen mit klassiche Musik ihre Leidenschaft ist Volks Musik, besonders Irische und Musik aus den Dolomiten.
Seit 2016 ist sie direktorin der Musik Schule in San Vito di Cadore und organisiert SanvitoMasterclass, ein internationaler Masterkurs für klassische Musik, der entsteht jeden Sommer in San Vito di Cadore
Internazionali Corsi Estivi di Musica
San Vito di Cadore (BL), Via Pelmo 2
Direttore Artistico – Leszek Brodowski
tel. +39 349 5191 452
He starts to play the piano at the age of four and violin of six in Warsaw.
Graduate with lode 1979 from the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw in the class of prof. Stefan Kamasa.
After master classes with Michael Flaksman and Wolfram Christ received a scholarship from the Italian government in Rome, where he studied with Ulrich Koch, Ruggiero Ricci, Kurt Redel, Moshe Atzmon and others. He has played in the orchestras of the National Philharmonic in Warsaw, the National Opera in Warsaw, Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, and, as a soloist-chamber musician, in the Polish Chamber Orchestra, the Wratislavia Chamber Orchestra, the Polish Chamber Philharmonic, the Warsaw Chamber Opera, the Con moto ma cantabile Baroque Orchestra , as a soloist (Sub-Principal Viola) with the Cape Town Nico Center Orchestra (South Africa).
He has performed in the largest venues in the USA, Canada, Japan, South Africa, Australia, Thailand, India and almost all of Europe.
As a soloist and chamber musician, he has recorded for EMI, Polish Radio, Telewizja Polska, Polskie Nagrania, BBC, ZDF, SABC and Radio France.
As a teacher, he taught in all types of music schools – from primary in Zakopane, secondary, high schools and conservatories in Warsaw – to the Academy of Music in Warsaw – as an assistant to prof. Kamasa.
To this day, he performs concert activities in small chamber ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets), with particular emphasis on recitals (viola / piano), while he most often performs his own transcriptions of violin and cello sonatas
In addition to music studies, he also completed professional manual therapy courses authorized by the Vocational Training Institute in Warsaw, by the University of Cape Town, M ° Marcello Brunetti (Scuola di Estetica in Rome) and 5 professors, doctors and lecturers at the Faculty of Movement Rehabilitation at the Academy of Physical Education in Krakow.
Member of the A.MI University in Milan – with an entry in the official list of professional manual therapists in Italy.
As a manual therapist in the years 1990-2021 he worked seasonally in exclusive health centers in Cape Town, in Cortina d’Ampezzo and since 2007 in the SPA Center – Corte – in Borca di Cadore in the Italian Dolomites.